Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Whisper of Change

The Mountain Ash outside my computer room window is getting its berries. My first thought when I noticed it was that it was too early, but with my next thought I realized July is nearly over. The spring, and even the early summer flowers are long gone and the season of daylilies is upon us. I see them running riot in every yard in town, it seems. They grow like weeds - except where I'd like them to grow, of course.  The stores have baskets of mums for sale outside their doors and, inside, whole aisles are devoted to back to school stuff.  To me, it seems as if the schools have just let out, and I imagine it feels that way to a lot of kids, too.  Even the days are getting shorter, a minute or two a day, and now that I think of it, some of the "Summer birds" are gone from the feeder. I guess they must have moved on to wherever they go when Autumn approaches.

Oh, I know we still have a month or more of high heat and humidity, and I'm certainly not pulling out my cold weather clothes yet, but if you stop a moment and look around you, you can feel it.  Amid the simmering heat, the splashes and shouts of kids in neighborhood pools, and the savory smelling smoke of summer barbeque grills, is the cool whisper "Fall is coming".