Monday, December 5, 2011

My dashboard snowman

I have a little snowman on the dashboard of my car. He doesn't reside there all year, just November through February or March (depending on March's weather).  I found him at a long ago rummage sale and had to get him. He's just a little, unassuming, white terry cloth snowman, three balls high and filled with beanbag type stuff.  Pipe cleaner arms, cloves for buttons, teeny black dots of some sort for eyes and a teeny carrot-looking thing for a nose - no mouth - wearing a faded little scarf.  Nothing much to look at.  . . . But he's magic!

Every November I put him on my car's dashboard, on top of a square of grippy stuff (that no-slide rubbery stuff you sometimes see in cupboards).  I set him securely upright, facing the inside of the car, looking ahead, between the front seats.
But he moves!  All by himself!  After a few trips in my car, I'll look over at him and there he is . . . staring at me!  And he's usually leaning forward toward me, too!  This year, though, he's kind of leaning back, away from me, but he's still got his beady little eyes on me!  I want to say "What?? I'm not driving that badly!", (and, okay, I often do).  If I put him back in his original position, within days, he's back to staring at me again!

I think if I put him facing the windshield, he'd somehow manage to turn around and look at me over his little snowman shoulder!