Friday, February 1, 2013

The Happiness Jar

At the beginning of the year, I saw online an idea for a jar in which you put notes about the things that made you smile and at the end of the year or when you need a pick up, take out the notes and read them. I decided everyone can use some remembered joy, so I found a jar and prepared to write the things that brought me happiness and made me laugh or smile.
After one month, I have four little slips of paper in there. Four. And one of them I cheated and put down something that happened at Christmas. What does this say about me? Do I find so little joy in things? Am I that morose? Or am I just picky?

I choose to think I'm picky. I could put things like getting a good test result from my doctor in there - the news did make me smile - or how the sun looks shining on the new snow (okay, that didn't really make me smile, but it is kind of pretty), but everyday things like that just don't seem to warrant writing down and putting away for a later pick-me-up. I guess I'd rather make note of the really good things. The one time only, serendipitous kind of happenings. The things I know will bring back good times and good feelings and that will make me laugh or smile at a low time or the end of the year.

So maybe three or four things in a month isn't so few. Maybe it's just right - for me.