Friday, December 7, 2012

Alien thoughts

This morning on the news, a man put on a gas mask. It was an older looking mask, with a rubbery full head cover.  Do you know what he looked like when he put it on?  An alien. He looked almost exactly like the typical, Area 51-era alien. All that was needed was for the mask to be gray.

This brought to mind again the thought I've had that aliens really don't look the way they're portrayed.  Do you really believe some other race would come to Earth, land, and step out of their ship naked as the day they were born (or hatched, or grown)?  No! They'd have on space suits to protect them from our alien atmosphere.

Consider if there had been moon men and women inhabiting the moon when we landed there in 1969. Here we come in our little lunar module . . . the door opens and out steps Neil Armstrong . . . Can you imagine what those moonies would have said about us?  "They're hideous!  Puffy and white like slugs! And no face! Just one huge eye!"

Of course, those aliens would have to be very small for their space suits to be so small, but who are we to say what they really look like? They could have bodies like insects, or have arms and legs like threads. Whatever works for them, I say.

So the next time someone greets a visitor from another dimension, galaxy or planet, instead of shooting at them or running in fear and spreading ugly rumors about their looks, maybe we should invite them in and ask them if they'd like to hang up their helmet so we can get to know them better.

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