Monday, December 23, 2019

Thoughts While Wrapping Gifts

I wrote this a few years ago, but the thoughts are basically the same every year, except for the song. I never know what song with stick in my head in any given year, but it's seldom a Christmas carol. Also, I lost the cat I mentioned earlier this past year. I'd give anything to have her "helping" me again.

1. I should have gone with tradition and wrapped on the floor. There is more room on the floor and scissors, pens and tape don't fall off the floor All The Time.

2. The good paper I thought I bought is as thin and fragile as tissue paper.

3. I'll die before I use up all these gift tags. Seriously, they'll be part of my estate.

4. The cat is just as annoying on the table as she was in years past on the floor.

5. Putting more than one thing in a bag is okay if the theme is the same. Individually wrapped gifts means more wrapping, not more things for the recipient.

6. I want to thank the person who invented gift bags.

7. Any wrapped gifts are not subject to criticism. I did the best I could with the crappy paper and meager talent I have.

8. Why am I singing "Ghost Riders in the Sky" instead of a Christmas carol?

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