Thursday, January 12, 2012

It's official. And I couldn't be happier.

As of January 11th, 2012, at about 2 pm, my granddaughter, Riley's adoption was official. 

Tom and I were able to be there for the hearing - along with the other grandmas and grandpa - and I'm so glad we were able to share Colleen's, Brian's and Riley's day.  Everything went smoothly and they had the best judge I've ever known (not that I've known many - or any).  He calmly reviewed all the facts and conditions pertaining to the adoption, then came around the bench to hand Riley the gavel so she could bang it to make it official.  After she tried to eat it, Colleen guided her and helped her bang the gavel three times and the deal was sealed.  I admit, I teared up a little then, but I often tear up when watching my baby with her baby.  Before we left, the judge gladly posed with Colleen and Brian (and Riley, of course) for a photo - or 2 or 3 - for posterity.

In one way, this changes nothing. We've all loved Riley and thought of her/treated her as our daughter/granddaughter from the day she was born, and her life will not change one iota.  But I have to say it feels really good, knowing she's now legally Colleen and Brian's child, with Colleen and Brian's last name, and nothing will ever change that.

A good day, a good feeling, and a very good granddaughter.  It was well worth the 3 1/2 year wait!

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