Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Stray thoughts . . .

Every morning I wake up with a song in my head. It's seldom the same one as the day or so before, and I never know why I'm thinking of such odd songs.  Today's song is Rawhide. Go figure.

I've always sung to myself when doing mundane chores. Most of the time, I don't even realize I'm singing.  I found out from my daughter's friend that, when they were young and playing in the house, they would sometimes pause in their play to listen to me.  When I heard that, I was retroactively embarrassed, lol.

I've about had it with Winter. It just won't let go. I know it's fairly normal for Wisconsin to get snow in March, but that doesn't make me like it any more, or wish for Spring any less.

1 comment:

  1. If they paused in their play to listen to you; but didn't tease you, you know they liked your singing! Sing on Ann..keep on singing! :)
